Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course.
Next Course CST13-333-25
April 25-27 and June 6-7, 2025
Wood Badge is BSA’s “next level” training course that puts you in the position of your Scouts, working together as members of a Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, and Venturing Crew. You’ll experience activities the way your Scouts do – and in doing so, will gain a perspective you can’t get anywhere else. At the end of the two-weekend course, you’re guaranteed to be ready to tackle any problem your Scouts throw your way. And, it might just be the most fun you’ll ever have as a Scouter.
The purpose of Wood Badge is to develop skilled leaders who can strengthen Scouting units in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change. Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. They will learn skills that will make them a better Scout leader. Units with trained leaders are able to deliver an improved program and a more meaningful experience for the youth Scouting serves.

Learning Objectives
Wood Badge is for all Scouters: Cub Scout Den and Pack leaders, Boy Scout Troop leaders, Venture and Varsity leaders, District and Council Commissioners and Committee members and professional Scouters.
Learn contemporary leadership concepts and discover how these apply in our value-based program
Understand Scouting as a family of interrelated, value-based programs providing age appropriate activities for youth
Revitalize your commitment to Scouting, sharing in an inspirational experience
Have lots of fun in the company of interesting, like-minded individuals